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Eco-friendly diaries for the start of the school year and for 2021

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September rhymes with the end of the holidays and the start of the school year: however, there is no question of feeling sorry for yourself. On the contrary, follow the example of the children who choose with interest the prettiest notebooks, binders and diary to make their return to the school benches. So run to your bookstore to discover the novels that make literary news but also to unearth diaries and calendars around the garden…just to keep one foot in the countryside!

Depending on your needs, you can opt for versions starting in September (2020-2021) or models modeled on the calendar year 2021. The choice is difficult because they are all full of advice embellished with very beautiful illustrations… We have selected a few -ones.

2020-2021 diaries with green challenges

2020-2021 diaries with green challenges

It is at Larousse that you will find two diaries well suited to the resumption of school and work within the family. They both cover the period from September 2020 to August 2021.

The small green attitude family calendar is particularly attractive for top-notch family organization since it attaches to the fridge. It is made up of 3 parts: a weekly calendar block allowing you to note appointments while discovering an ecological challenge each week, a notepad for shopping and a message block. Smart!

The 2020-2021 agenda I cultivate my green power is intended for all those who appreciate the paper to note their appointment. This one, in addition to zero waste and zero waste information, green tips, homemade recipes, etc. has a mini-pocket to slip in business cards, mini post-its and a pen.

(Editions Larousse – €10.90 and €9.95)

Agenda of the organic gardener 2021 – Terre Vivante

Living Earth’s 2021 Organic Gardener’s Agenda is a must-have: almost the gardener’s indispensable tool and this year, its theme is focused on the zero-waste vegetable garden… A subject at the center of environmental concerns to reflect on one’s gardening practices and discover the steps to follow to achieve a zero waste vegetable garden. Month after month, you will find the actions to be carried out in the garden, the vegetable garden, the orchard, as well as the precise lunar calendar and the climate map of France. You will always have as much space there to note the dates (sowing, planting, harvest, etc.), climatic events, the varieties chosen… If necessary, you can also refer to it either for details on the basics of gardening bio, or for good addresses to get seeds, plants and ecological equipment.

The texts are written by Blaise Leclerc, doctor in agronomy, adviser on soil and fertilization and gardener for 40 years, well known to the readers of the magazine Les 4 saisons with whom he collaborates. This year the illustrations are made by Anne Jamati, illustrator, but also gardener-landscaper who likes to imagine gardens and draw those that exist.

(Living Earth Editions – €12)

2021 organic garden diary with lunar calendar

Agenda from nature to the garden 2021

The nature in the garden diary is the companion of nature enthusiasts who wish to immerse themselves in it in order to experience it on a daily basis. Day after day, he gives you advice for observing animals, plants and the sky, with weekly focus on what the period offers to see, hear or do to make your garden a paradise for biodiversity!

In addition to these practical advice on the rhythm and life of nature offered by Aino Adriaens, a biologist passionate about gardening and permaculture, the nature diary is also a beautiful object for noting personal or family appointments, which combines poetic texts, practical advice for actions and observations, while being illustrated with striking watercolors by Denis Clavreul, naturalist illustrator.

(Co-edition Living Earth & The Salamander – €12)

Gardening with the moon 2021

The lunar calendar on our site or in a diary will suffice for many gardeners, but for those who want to be particularly precise in their work in the garden, taking into account cosmic rhythms, they can refer to “Gardening with the moon in biodynamics” which is written by Laurent Dreyfus for the Biodynamic Agriculture Movement.

This book, which includes a detachable lunar calendar, is a tool for understanding the influence of the Moon and the planets in the garden and the apiary, as well as in the conservation of fruits and vegetables. To anchor yourself in the concrete, it also allows you to note your work in the garden, your local weather and your personal observations. You will also discover month-by-month and day-by-day cultivation advice, based on cosmic rhythms, as well as a detailed cultivation chart for the vegetable garden and the orchard.

This is a real biodynamic gardening guide to a successful nutritious and abundant garden thanks to crop rotation, biodynamic preparations, compost, green manures, etc.

(Editions Ulmer – €12.90)

2021 wall calendars

2021 wall calendars

This year again, Terre Vivante is offering wall calendars with one page per month, nicely illustrated, which makes it an attractive decoration at home or in the office:

2021 organic vegetable garden calendar : it honors this year “The sayings of the garden” embellished with humorous drawings by Mathilde Magnan. You will appreciate having this gardener’s reminder in front of you, which will remind you month by month of the essential things to do in the vegetable garden, according to the lunar calendar, while taking into account predictable phenological and climatic events (ice saints, etc.) . As always, public holidays, traditional festivals, school holidays and dates of time and season changes are mentioned there.

2021 calendar – This year I am ZD (zero waste)! : to put an end to the trash and take a first step towards a more sober and more economical way of life of our planet’s resources, this calendar, humorously illustrated by Camille Piantanida, offers a great way to begin a transition towards a waste-free living! Each monthly page delivers a recipe or know-how and 2 tips for becoming “ZD” in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and even in the garden!

(Living Earth Editions – €10)

Written by Nathalie on 02/09/2020

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