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Mikania (Mikania scandens), an American creeper: planting, cultivation

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The Mikania (Mikania scandens syn. Eupatorium scandens), sometimes called American creeper or climbing hemp, is a twining vine native to wooded and swampy areas of North America (eastern and central United States) to tropical America (Mexico). rather chilly, Mikania scandens can however withstand short periods around 0°C if the soil remains dry.

Mikania (Mikania scandens), an American creeper

The stems develop like a branching vine with swollen nodes, bearing opposite, simple, evergreen or semi-evergreen leaves depending on the climate. Their shape is triangular or heart-shaped, with the edge notched or irregularly toothed. They can measure 10 to 15cm long by 7 to 10cm wide, and sport a bright green color.

The hemispherical flower heads do not have ligulate flowers, they are grouped in compact corymbs 2 to 5cm long in the axils of the upper leaves. Their color varies from white to pale pink, or lilac to purple, or white tinged with yellow. They give off a unique vanilla smell.

The fruiting that follows produces brown achenes with white bristles.

Mikania scandens should not be confused with another species, Mikania micranthawhich is particularly invasive.

  • Family: Asteraceae
  • Type: evergreen climber
  • Origin: North and tropical America
  • Color: white, pale pink, lilac or purple flowers
  • Sowing: yes
  • Cutting: yes
  • Planting: spring
  • Flowering: summer
  • Height: up to 5 m

Ideal soil and exposure for Mikania scandens

Mikania scandens grows in a light situation without direct sun or in partial shade in a not very fertile, cool and well-drained soil.

Grown in a pot, a Mikania will have to grow in a mixture of potting soil and loam, with its container placed on a saucer filled with clay balls or gravel to meet its ambient humidity needs.

Date of sowing, cutting and planting of Mikania scandens

In March, sowing can be undertaken between 13 and 18°C. However, the cuttings of herbaceous stems to be taken in the spring are to be preferred: when smothered, in the heat, they succeed rather well, developing roots at the level of the nodes.

Council of maintenance and culture of Mikania scandens

Watering is necessary if the soil is not naturally moist enough.

Pruning is practiced in March, to limit the development of vegetation, essentially, or to promote the development of new shoots in order to obtain a bushier plant.

In summer, the heat pleases the Mikania: if it is in a pot, it can be taken out on the terrace or in the garden, in partial shade, during the summer season. In winter, it will be necessary to find a place for it in a cooler place in the house (12-15°C).

Diseases, pests and parasites of Mikania scandens

If the Mikania is grown in a greenhouse, it can be attacked by spider mites and whiteflies when the atmosphere is too dry.

If potted, excess stagnant moisture will cause root rot.

Location and favorable association of Mikania scandens

It is a plant which is grown, in our latitudes, rather in pots, in a veranda or a greenhouse, but in regions with mild winters, the Mikania can find its place in the garden in a sheltered situation without direct sun.

Recommended species and varieties of Mikania for planting in the garden

Genre Mikania owes its name to the Austro-Czech botanist Joseph Gottfried Mikan (1743-1814) in order to pay homage to him. It has nearly 300 species in total but you will only find Mikania scandens as well as Mikania ternata with drooping woody stems and downy purple leaves cut into 5 leaflets, forming a pretty bushy indoor plant to place in a hanging basket.

Some species like Mikania laevigata (Or Mikania glomerata with whom it is confused), is known as “guaco” in the Brazilian pharmacopoeia because it contains coumarin, and is said to have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, healing, analgesic, antipyretic, antivenom, depurative, antiallergic properties. , bronchodilator and antiparasitic…

(photo credit: Forest and Kim Starr – CC BY 2.0)

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